About this site

At present this web site is the work of a single person, Thomas H. Atkinson. The site is intended as an authoritative atlas and catalog. The catalog is based on published records and taxonomic acts (description, synonymy, etc.). Any name, combination, synonymy or placement of a species is based on a formal publication. While some of my opinions are included, they are identified as such. Said differently, nothing on this site qualifies as a taxonomically valid act from the stand point of Zoologica Nomenclature.

The site is updated frequently as new records, new images, and corrections are added. The date of the last update is shown in the footer in the lower right part of each page. While individual records are seldom (if ever) modified, any summaries or lists will incorporate relevant additions or changes.

How to cite this website

Atkinson, T.H. (current year). Bark and ambrosia beetles of the Americas. http://www.barkbeetles.info. (date cited).

Errors, requests, comments

Suggestions on new features to add (especially if acccompanied by offers of assistance) are always welcome. While less appreciated please report errors and omissions to me as well.

Contact information (email): thatkinson dot austin at gmail dot com


Sponsors. This web site is not formally associated with any institution and I am solely responsible for its contents. The U.S. Forest Service (Early Detetection Rapid Response program) provided critical early support in development of the database and website. The Biodiversity Center of the University of Texas at Austin provides ongoing support in the form of work space, library access, and other use of university facilities. The website is hosted on a commercial server and is not a formal research project of the University.