Bark and Ambrosia Beetles of Hidalgo : Overview


130 species of bark and ambrosia beetles (Curculionidae: Scolytinae [125] and Platypodinae [5]).

1 have been introduced from other continents

Inevitably there will be errors and omissions. I would appreciate it if these are brought to my attention.

Access to Species Information (Indices)

Information on individual species can be accesed through 5 routes:

  • condensed taxonomic list. For those familiar with the higher classification of the group, this allows a quick lookup. Clicking on names of tribes and genera will expand (or close) sublists down to the species level. NOTE: This no longer follows Wood's groupings.
  • checklist of the species of Hidalgo . For those with some familiarity with the classification, but need a little help a checklist of all species that the user can scroll through.
  • Condensed generic list. All genera for Hidalgo are listed. Clicking on a genus name will open a list of species.
  • Alphabetical Index (genus, species). It may be easier in some cases just to look up a species in the alphabetical Index. In this list names are listed by genus and species combinations. All currently accepted names as well as all synonyms of which I am aware are included. Valid names are shown in bold type. This means that even if you can't keep up with all of the name changes, you should still be able to find your beetle.
  • Alphabetical Index (species, genus). In this list names are listed by species name first, with the genus in parentheses. All currently accepted names as well as all synonyms of which I am aware are included. Valid names are shown in bold type.

Species Information

Clicking on the book icon () will bring up information on a particular species. There are separate sections for images (if any are available), synonymy, a summary of distribution records from the database, a summary of host and trapping information from database records, a list of references from which information was taken for the species, a distribution map, and a table of data records. In the references section, links are provided to the pages in the Wood (1982) monograph and in the Wood & Bright (1992) catalog where the species is treated.

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